General News
4 February, 2024
Seven flag salute to Australia
The chilly morning did not deter the celebration of Australia Day in Beulah.

The chilly morning did not deter the celebration of Australia Day in Beulah.
Community members gathered at the post office where Beulah Lions Club's Tony Naylor was ready to greet the attendees and lead them in singing the national anthem, while Michelle Merolli raised the first flag of the morning.
The group then set off to the Beulah Memorial Hall, where Maurie Williams raised the next flag, and Chris Naylor the third at the old Lions Den.
After another short trek to Beulah Police Station, Senior Constable Shayne Riggall raised the station’s two flags with the help of Scarlet Williams and Lucas Moore, then it was on to the Bowls Club where Alan Edmonds raised the flag.
A detour around the Memorial Gates marked the final leg of the tour, which ended at the footy sheds where Nathan Williams raised the final flag of the morning.
Birchip’s John Richmond travelled to Beulah with his wife Christine to share his thoughts on how lucky Australians are.
Mr Richmond recounted tales from his many overseas trips, and noted a number of differences - such as poverty levels, military presence, lack of health care and basic needs, and education available - between Australia and many other countries in the world.
Ted Lehmann presented Mr Richmond with a Beulah Lions’ Banner as a token of appreciation.
The Lions Club members, and the volunteers who worked behind the scenes to cook, clean, set up and pack up are to be commended for their efforts.
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