23 October, 2024
Reminder for voters to get to the post office or to the VEC by 6pm
Time is running out to vote in the council elections.

Time is running out to vote in the council elections.
Ballots have to be in the mail or taken to the VEC electoral office by 6pm on Friday, October 25.
Voting ballots should have been sent to all residents on the voting roll, but if you do not have a ballot you can go to the electorate office at 23 Roberts Avenue in Horsham.
Electoral Commissioner Sven Bluemmel urged voters to make sure their ballot was in the post.
"Local councils make all kinds of decisions for their communities, so it's important that you exercise your right to vote," he said.
"Your vote will help decide who will be representing you at the local level for the next four years."
Voting is compulsory - if you do not vote you can be fined $99.

In 2024, Horsham Rural City Council moved to a different ward system.
There are seven wards, each with about the same number of residents.
There is one councillor elected per ward. Two current councillors will not be running again.
The Wimmera Mail-Times spoke to the 15 candidates vying for one of the nine vacancies available.
Roads, rates and rubbish are on the table as important issues, but candidates have expressed other concerns relating to the dozens of services the council looks after.