8 November, 2024
Four-term Hindmarsh Shire councillor Ron Ismay welcomes new colleagues
Cr Ron Ismay to embark on fourth term on Hindmarsh Shire Council.

Incumbent councillor and former mayor, Ron Ismay will return to Hindmarsh Shire Council for a fourth term, but will be surrounded by all new faces.
Alongside Cr Ismay, Rosie Barker (West Ward) was elected unopposed, while James Barry, Chan Uoy (East Wars), Roger Aitken and Tony Clark (North Ward).
"I'm pretty happy with the outcome [of the election] overall," said Cr Ismay.
"I think the people that have been elected will be really good to work with."
While not surprised by the result in the council's east ward, Cr Ismay didn't expect to see the only other incumbent candidate running for re-election to lose out.
"Debra Nelson had been there for a long time and I thought she might have got back in again on second preferences," he said.

Cr Ismay said he is also looking forward to working with Hindmarsh Shires Council's chief executive Monica Revell.
"She's only recently been appointed ... I think she's doing a really great job, she's passionate, she's keen," he said.
"She's going to be a real good CEO, and good to work with."
As Cr Ismay embarks on his fourth term as Hindmarsh Shire Councilor, his colleagues will be stepping into the role for the first time.
"I think they just need to take their time, settle in and learn the ropes," Cr Ismay said.
"I think they'll pick it up reasonably well."
Cr Ismay said he is looking forward to doing ' whatever we can' on council for the next four year term.
"I know money is going to be tight," he said.
"We're going to have to tighten the purse strings a bit, and chase every grant down every rabbit hole we can find."
On Thursday, November 7, 2024 the Victoria Electoral Commission released provisional results for Hindmarsh Shire Council's local government election.
Mr Uoy was the runaway victor of the municipality's East Ward, claiming 641 first preference votes (53.73 per cent).
Having passed the 398 vote quota, Mr Uoy's surplus was redistributed between Ms Nelson and Mr Barry, with the latter claiming the ward's other seat.
In the North Ward, Mr Clark and Mr Aitken were successful after both candidates exceeded the ward's 352 vote quota on first preference.
Mr Clark picked up 430 first preference votes (40.72 per cent), while Mr Aitken received 388 first preference votes (36.74 per cent).
With 238 first preference votes (22.54 per cent), Elizabeth Chivell was unsuccessful.
Candidates have until November 12 to request a recount. The VEC will assess whether one is needed.
Results will then be published online.